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Browsing Graduation Projects, Theses, and Student Papers by Title

Browsing Graduation Projects, Theses, and Student Papers by Title

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  • Abu Meazer, Baher; Alamleh, Monther; Natsha, Mohamad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2014-01-01)
    Saybolt Universal viscometer is used to measure the viscosity of liquids by measuring the F to pass O F and 210 O time required, in second, for 60 milliliters of the testing fluid at 100 through a standard orifice. Technology ...
  • DAHMAN, DIAA; RAJABI, HASAN; ISAILI, RABAH (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - مساحة, 2008-06-01)
    تعتبر مدینة الخلیل من اكبر مدن الضفة الغربیة صناعیا ومع ذلك تفتقر إل ى وج ود نظ ام ش بكة ط رق محوس بة، حی ث أن ھ م ن الجدیر بالاھتمام تطویر ھذا النظام وتطبیقھ. یتضمن المشروع إعداد وتحضیر شبكة طرق محوسبة باستخدام نظم ...
  • Awawdeh, Alqassam; Alsharef, Ashraf; Nassar, Muath (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2014-06-01)
    في هذا المشروع تم تصيمي وحدة فحص زاوية تدحرج المركبة جانبيا في حالة الوقوف التام وتم بناء نموذج مصغر للمشروع ولقياس الزاوية سيتم استخدام المقاومة المتغيرة وتم استخدام وحدات لقياس الوزن لقياس التصاق العجلات الخارجية مع ...
  • Nassar, Muath; Alsharef, Ashraf; Awawdeh, Alqassam (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - ميكاترونيكس, 2014-06-01)
    This project ( tilt table ratio (TTR)) was designed and small scale prototype model was build. The apparatus is able to measure the rollover angle of the vehicle at rest, to measure the angle we use potentiometer and use ...
  • Amro, Wisam; Shamasnh, Jihad; Bard’yya, Jihad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة طاقة, 2016-05-01)
  • Sulimia, Hamza; Sultan, Zaid (Palestine Polytechnic University , department of information technology, 6/1/2013)
    Bwera IM is a front end instant messaging client that connects users to multiple Instant Messaging services at the same time; the key advantage of the application is implementing several IM services, In this project we ...
  • Tomiazah, Montaser (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2015-06-01)
  • Bader, Anwar; Shreef, Mutasem; Natashe, Hammam; Khalefa, Ismail; kha, Abdulrhmaan (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين , كلية الهندسة - مساحة, 2017-05-31)
    In accordance with the recommendations of the project supervisors, and the acceptance of all examining committee members, this project has been submitted to the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering in the ...
  • Khatib, Husam; Joulani, Bara' (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2019-12-01)
    Internal Combustion engines are considered the most famous Source of energy that is used in water and land vehicles and some trains. And From the early years of discovering this source there was a tough competition ...
  • Yaghi, Deema; Abu-Quieder, Heba; Al-Janazreh, Boshra (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2012-05-01)
    The special and limited environment of a collage community creates some sort of privacy and requires special connection between individuals of this small community ,the ability of reaching this community is an important ...
  • Qdemat, Ibrahim; Dwaib, Muhammad (جامعة بولتكنك فلسطين - هندسة الحاسوب, 2014-06-01)
    Grid computing is a service for sharing computer power and data storage capacity over the Internet. This project aims to increase the utilization of the available computing resources in PPU. Computing resources at different ...
  • Tamimi, Bilal; Tamimi, Motaz; – Abu Khalef, Nadeem (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2005-06-01)
    The project is a self independent candy bar vending machine which works by the coins . it consists of three main parts coin recognizer which is the unit than recognizes the coins . mechanical part includes stepper motor ...
  • Alama, Fadi (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين , كلية الهندسة , ميكانيك, 2015-05-31)
    Car accident is one of the most important problems, because sometimes the stories we took from the drivers couldn't determine the real cause of the accident, sometimes it is because one of the drivers, and in other times ...
  • Al-Masalmeh, Nida (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - الكترونيات, 2007-05-01)
    This system would be designed to get simple motor control, needs less power, high efficiency, automatically work, low cost , good safety. This design contains several types of mechanical and electrical devices, then range ...
  • Alawaysa, Raghad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2018-05-01)
    This project aim is to design a device that is suitable and dedicated for cars, the device will help us to overcome a serious issue we face a lot in our life, it will help all Moms and Dads to rescue their children lives ...
  • Bannoura, Abdalla (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتمتة صناعية, 2022-05-01)
    Cars are becoming an important means of transportation; many families have at least one car. However, due to the carelessness of drivers or parents, they often leave their children in the car for a long time and lock the ...
  • Joubeh, Husam; AL Alami, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتمتة صناعية, 2022-12-01)
    A cardboard baler is a machine that possesses many modern technologies based on the establishment of industrial automation engineering to achieve sustainable development and environmental protection. The suffering of ...
  • Fakhouri, Jebreen; Alrjoub, Mohammad; Alsweity, Sulieman (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2007-05-01)
    This work deals with mathematical modeling , simulation and control of a ship mounted cranes which have the marland rigging . the developed model contans three .........
  • Masalma, Muhammad; AbuSharar, Ahmed; Shaheen, Sa’ed (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - طاقة, 2021-01-01)
    Electrical power generation can be quite a challenge, but it’s essential, there are many ways to produce power and some of them have side effects on the environment (non-clean power plant) such as coal thermal plants, ...
  • Al-Zama’ra, Haneen; Al-Janazreh, Haneen; Ghnimat, Ni’meh (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 5/1/2006)
    Since our world getting larger; and the development becoming faster and larger, then we need a flexible, powerful, and secure mechanism in order to store data that represent certain information about some aspect of life. So, ...

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