The special and limited environment of a collage community creates some sort of privacy and requires special connection between individuals of this small community ,the ability of reaching this community is an important aspect of public interest there are many ways including a special paper or websites or printed plates or may be a dedicated radio station used to broadcast a voice that can be heard so an FM radio station can be regarded as good sophisticated way for reaching the group of interest as students or even anyone in the listening area (campus) of the FM transmitter it would broadcast academic, cultural, sports and social awareness programs meant for students. The academic programs, according to university officials, would be prepared by senior faculty members of different faculties, but would be broadcast by students.
many steps should be taken into consideration to get the station on air, making sure that these groups are able to receive the broadcasted signal is regarded as a first step of achieving the purpose of the whole project then taking care of the whole requirements like frequency to use , power level, the overall budget and many other things.
This project is all about building an FM transmitter using a few basic components including a stereo FM transmitter and a PIC microcontroller to control both the frequency according to the users order and also the LCD two line display , with the ability of picking any available frequency in the FM band that is not occupied by any other station with a higher power which make it applicable in any given area the user may pick and to provide the LCD display to be able to define the frequency being used .
FM Radio station is of the students, for the students and by the students.
البيئة الجامعية الصغيرة تتطلب نوعا من الخصوصية و التفرد و هذا يترافق مع الحاجة الشديدة للعديد من وسائل التواصل التي تربط أفراد هذا المجتمع الصغير و أمكانية الوصول إلى المجتمع الطلابي تعتبر ذات أهمية وهي واحدة من عدة طرق كالأوراق العلمية و المواقع الالكترونية او محطة إذاعية خاصة . مشروعنا يتمثل ببناء محطة بث راديو تعمل على أكثر من تردد بناءا على البيئة المحيطة في نطاق محدود لا يتجاوز الحرم الجامعي و تستخدم كوسيلة لبث صوت مسموع بحيث تكون الرسالة أكثر وضوحا و تأثيرا لذلك يعتبر الراديو وسيلة ممتازة و راقية للوصول إلى الفئة المستهدفة كطلاب او أي شخص أخر داخل النطاق الذي يغطيه هذا البث و الذي ممكن ان يكون أكاديمي أو ثقافي او رياضي او برامج اجتماعية للطلاب بحيث يتم إعدادها من الطلاب أنفسهم من مختلف التخصصات و المستويات .
no of pages 66, 25476, اتصالات 13/2012, in the store