This system would be designed to get simple motor control, needs less power, high efficiency, automatically work, low cost , good safety.
This design contains several types of mechanical and electrical devices, then range meter consists of transmitter to produce laser rays that is needed to travel from the car contains device to the other car, and receiver to receive the reflected rays reflected from the other car, so then this receiver convert light to voltage value, this converted voltage passes to analog digital converter to be as digital code.
The digital code will be an input to comparator , and will be compared with other digital one that I choose referred to converted voltage introduced when laser reflected from a dangerous distance . when comparator output connected to speed controller system then system works as : if the digital coode comes from ADC larger than reference value, the motor can work in forward mode, and car be driven forward.
no of pages 50 , 22139, الكترونيات 8/2007 , in the store