College of Information Technology and Computer Engineering: Recent submissions

  • Qunaibe, Meera; Aljubeh, Nadeen; Manasrah, Raghad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2023-06-01)
    The project's primary goal is to create a web application that enables parents and teachers to communicate so that parents may track their kids' progress and evaluate their intellectual growth. It also helps parents ...
  • خلاوي, امينة; أسامة, اعمر; حلايقة, محمد (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2022-07-01)
    اضطراب طيف التوحد هو حالة نمو معقدة تنطوي على تحديات مستمرة في التفاعل االجتماعي و الكالم و التواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي و السلوكيات المقيدة المتكررة ، تختلف آثار و شدة األعراض من شخص الى اخر ، حسب منظمة الصحة العالمية ...
  • Joba, Yaseen; Halahlah, Mohammad; Herbawi, Muhammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-05-01)
    Sorting plays a critical role in manufacturing processes as it ensures that products meet specific quality standards and specifications before being shipped to customers. However, traditional sorting methods often rely ...
  • زلوم, ميساء; النجار, عبير (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2022-12-01)
    The Hamza Mosque Medical Center application is an application for the center. The Hamza Mosque Medical Center is located in the city of Hebron in the Al-Hawuz Al-Thani area - Al-Bassa, below the Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib ...
  • Thaher, Anas; Wazwaz, Bashar (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2022-05-01)
    E-commerce has great importance in the lives of most people, and we all knew its importance, especially after the Corona pandemic. The (siyahkadife) page is a page for selling imported clothes on social media sites in ...
  • الشلالده, مالك; جبرين, معتز (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2020-12-01)
    Due to the rapid development in the field of technology, and its entry into all areas of life to help complete tasks in the shortest time and the least effort possible, the project aims to develop an electronic production ...
  • Salah, Iyas; Wazwaz, Yamen; Amro, Amro (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2023-07-01)
    As a result of the accumulation of unindexed research papers and public articles in libraries and research centers, a classification method is required to classify these research papers into their proper class. Abstract ...
  • اعمرو, اسامه; حلايقة, محمد; خلاوي, امينة (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2022-12-01)
    اضطراب طيف التوحد هو حالة نمو معقدة تنطوي على تحديات مستمرة في التفاعل االجتماعي والكالم و التواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي و السلوكيات المقيدة المتكررة ، تختلف آثار و شدة األعراض من 1 شخص الى اخر ، حسب منظمة الصحة العالمية ...
  • مجاهد, بلقيس; شحاتيت, عبد العزيز (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2023-07-01)
    From our vision of the effectiveness of technological institutions, and their real importance in keeping pace with modern developments, we found the importance of creating an online presence for the Hebron Technology ...
  • قباجة, براء; زعارير, مصطفى; فطافطة, مهند (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2023-07-01)
    In the last few years technology has spreaded in all the world and started to play a main role in our daily lives. Technology has evolved in wide range in our society in a range that we can not emagin, so we can not live ...
  • الحموري, رزان; قفيشة, مروة; داوود, ياسمين (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - تكنولوجيا المعلومات, 2023-07-01)
    We aim, as a team, to develop ourselves and join our scientific and practical experience within this project, as information technology students to present an idea to help our grandparents, and parents in particular, and ...
  • Qawasmy, Lana; Edais, Hiba (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-05-01)
    One of the most challenging problems in a control system is balancing a system. This project presents the design and implementation of the ball-balancing robot. The system consists of a rigid plate with a ball rolling ...
  • Joba, Yaseen; Halahlah, Mohammad; Herbawi, Muhammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-05-01)
    Sorting plays a critical role in manufacturing processes as it ensures that products meet specific quality standards and specifications before being shipped to customers. However, traditional sorting methods often rely ...
  • lahaseh, Mahmoud; Rayyn, Marwan (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-06-01)
    During peak hours, large and popular restaurants often struggle to provide satisfactory service to their customers, leading to long waiting times for orders and deliveries due to overcrowding. To address this challenge, ...
  • Aburayyan, Taima'; Baradiyyah, Alaa; Isra’a Abu-arish (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-06-01)
    One of the main problems that blind people face is getting around in and out of their homes. Therefore, we will develop the blind stick to act as a pathfinder that helps the blind in their lives as much as possible by ...
  • Abu-Shaikha, Fatima; Awawdeh, Ruba (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-05-01)
    With the increasing number of people and the increased demand for eggs and birds of various kinds, incubators have been used to hatch large amounts of eggs and preserve some kinds of birds from extinction, but there are ...
  • Titi, Ahmad; Sharawneh, Amane (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2023-07-01)
    This project aims to design an infrared remote control that controls the PC, it was found as an alternative for Keyboard and Mouse in some cases. With the remote, you have full control over the PC, you can control the ...
  • Hasanat, Fatima; Nofal, Ghada; Awad, Shorouq (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2022-12-01)
    Water and land are both considered limited resources. A new farming technique was introduced to solve this issue which is Vertical Farming. This technique is one of the best solutions because it improves global food ...
  • Al-Shareef, Ru’a; Shabaneh, Mayy (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - علم حاسوب, 2022-12-01)
    Lecturer Assistant is a mobile application for the teaching staff at Palestine Polytechnic University that facilitates many of their duties, including but not limited to, checking lectures time and location, in addition ...
  • Karaki, Nawal; Daghamin, Suzan; Albaba, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2022-12-01)
    تُعّد حوادث السير من أبرز األسباب المؤ ِسفة التي تحصد عشرات األرواح من البشر يومياً حول العالم، إلى جانب وقوع العديد من الجرحى، واألضرار الجسيمة التي تلحق بوسيلة النقل، وذلك رغم تزايد حمالت التوعية في أسابيع المرور ...

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