College of Engineering: Recent submissions

  • J.Bader, Huda; .Abu Dawod, Islam; KH.Salaimeh, Meera; M.Abu al-Feilat, Rafeeq; Y.Sous, Safa; A.Barbarawi., Sameh (2006-01-01)
    Nowadays, when we talk about e-Learning, we mostly mean an on-line class using Web Technology, with the use of Multimedia and Interactive Technology to enhance choice for learners in what and how they learn. The ultimate ...
  • Halahla, Saja; Zeedat, Khaleel (Palestine Polytechnic University - بيئة, 2018-01-01)
    Hazardous waste poses major problems on the environment and also public health. In Palestine no considerable efforts were made for quantifying electrical and electronic HW. The study responds to a real need for spatial ...
  • Zahdeh, Nareman; Eqefan, Nadia; Dwiek, Hiba (Palestine Polytechnic University - بيئة, 2015-01-01)
    Dairy industry is one of the major polluting industries in Palestine and elsewhere. Locally, dairy wastewater is discharged into sewer system or open spaces without any kind of treatment causing high organic loads and ...
  • Dandis, Abeer; Idais, Arwa; AL Kurd, Asma’ (Palestine Polytechnic University - IT, 2008-01-01)
    عند الحديث عن الدفع الالكتروني فإننا غالبا ما نقصد بأنه عملية تحويل أموال هي في الأساس ثمن لسلعة أو خدمة بطريقة رقمية أي باستخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر، الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو إنشاء وتطوير نظام دفع الكتروني يستخدم ...
  • AL-Warasneh, Raed; Radaydeh, Rawaa; AL-Amayreh, Shatha (Palestine Polytechnic University - اتصالات, 2016-01-01)
    In this project we aim to design weather station in order to provide us with some weather variables every day such as temperature, humidity, amount of rainfall level, barometric pressure and speed and direction of wind ...
  • Dweik, Belal; Ararawi, Majd; Sadaqa, Maen (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-04-01)
    Many factory workers are exposed to injuries due to their work nature, mostly because of currying heavy loads without compliance with safety rules. This project is a robot consisting of four wheels with a design that ...
  • Al-Muhtaseb, Bader; Zamareh, Hamza; Saleh, Nader (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-08-01)
    The internal combustion laboratory is an important laboratory for students in automotive engineering department because of its importance to consolidate the theoretical information that obtained by the student in theoretical ...
  • Manasra, Ahmad; Al Sharif, Ashraf; Salaymeh, Ala; Natsheh, Yousef (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-05-01)
    This project aims to design, control and implement a four degree of freedom(4DOF) SCARA Robot to sort objects by their colors with taking an advantage of machine vision technology. The first stage of the project after ...
  • Abahri, Mohamad; Houmran, Saqer (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-05-01)
    Maintaining engine temperature is one of the most important things to consider in internal combustion engines manufacturing, as the temperature increases significantly the engine parts will be damaged, the vehicle will ...
  • Mansour, Mahmoud; Qadoos, Tariq; Abu-Rayyan, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-05-01)
    This project mainly aims to propose an educational approach in apply the vehicle dynamics in the field of Wheeled Mobile Robotics (WMR), which has lots of applications and visions of development around the world, this ...
  • Abu-Daboos, Mahmoud; Abu-Areesh, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2018-04-01)
    Smart box pre-payment for taxicabs: After examining the problem of payment to the driver in taxis the 4 or 7 passengers whether in the city or in between cities, we found out that this causes frequent accidents and ...
  • Qawasmi, Abdelhady; Taradeh, Nayef (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2017-05-01)
    Due to the increase of traffic accidents resulting from the fatigue and drowsiness of drivers due to lack of oxygen level in the passenger compartment in addition to the increase of accidents of leaving children in the ...
  • Salhab, Mahmoud (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - ميكانيك, 2017-05-01)
    Energy crisis is the most important issue in todays world . converntional energy resources are not only limited but also the prime culprit for environmental pollution.
  • Saeed, Adham; Sarabtta, Tamer; Abu Zahra, Bilal (2017-05-01)
    The amount of biomass waste is rabidly increasing worldwide. Besides, the energy demand is also increasing. Utilities biomass for production of biogas is one of the most promising methods for producing energy renewable ...
  • Abu Al Felat, Laila; Sharabati, Zahraa (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - بيئة, 2017-12-01)
    Food and beverage industries consume large amount of water, detergent substance and energy in cleaning in place system (CIP). This project aims at enhancing the cleaning water properties through application of magnetic ...
  • ابو زينة, زيد (2017-05-01)
    في ظل التطور التكنولوجي، وأهمية المياه في الحياة، وأنها حق لكل فرد ال يمكن إهماله، باإلضافة الى المشكلة العالمية في توفر كميات كافية من المياه النقية و المأمونة للشرب واالستخدام البيتي، أنبثق عن هذه المعطيات مشروع يعمل ...
  • Talahmeh, Imad; Alarameen, Jumana (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2017-01-01)
    Deploying an RFID syitem on metallic object can present mary challenges, the most challenging isue is that to have the antenna high gain, litie reflection coefficient, and smalil size. The performance of RFID tag antennas ...
  • Hrebat, Shurouq; Abusaif, Israa (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2017-01-01)
    Nowadays, wireless APs support multi-band. They provide high bandwidth and data rates to support different applications and large number of users. Virtualization is known to be a proper approach for employing different ...
  • Talahmeh, Mohammad; Jundi, Ibrahim; Ayaydeh, Hadeel (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2017-01-01)
    Hospitals in Palestine are still working independently. They are not interconnected. Due to the shortage of resources in Palestinian hospitals, there is an urgent need to connect them together. This would allow the sharing ...
  • Herbawi, Ameer; Teeti, Mohammad; Hmeed, Sajed (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2017-01-01)
    This project aims to deploy a network. This network consists of group of computers connected together with a microcomputer to which a camera is connected. The system will take images of people, analyze, detect and recognize ...

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