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Browsing Graduation Projects, Theses, and Student Papers by Title

Browsing Graduation Projects, Theses, and Student Papers by Title

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  • Abu Ajadayel, Suha; Shehadeh, Asma (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2005-06-01)
    Ppu is one the most popular universities in Palestine, the college of engineering and technology at ppu consist of three departments: the department of civil and architecture engineering , department of mechanical engineering, ...
  • النجار, ادهم; سياعره, عبد الرحمن; ابو حسن, محمد; ادعيس, محمد (Palestine Polytechnic University - IT, 1/1/2008)
    يهدف هذا المشروع إلى إيجاد نظام متكامل لإجراء عمليات البيع عبر شبكة الانترنت بالاعتماد على خوارزمية (Depth-First search)، وذلك باختيار اقرب مسار ممكن لإيجاد وتوصيل البضاعة إلى الزبون. وكان الهدف الأساسي من فكرة المشروع ...
  • Al-Awawdeh, Suhad; Al-Jbareen, Hala; Al-Jawadeh, Thikrayat (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2006-05-01)
    Fault tolerance of mobile agents (replication-based technique) is a system used to tolerate faults in a case of crash of machines, platforms , and agents. The system will use JADE framework to simulate our work, the work ...
  • Taha, Sundos; Herbawi, Hikmat; Dweak, Areej (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - طاقة, 2020-05-01)
    The Renewable energy becomes popular in the recent days due to the rising of fuel and natural gas prices and due to the desire to have clean sources of energy. The Palestinian energy sector is not independent, so the ...
  • Hadeelhalisi, Doaa (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - طاقة, 2019-05-01)
    خلال السنوات الماضية ازداد ربط الشبكة الكهربائية بنظام الخلايا الشمسية .وذلك لما له من فوائد كثيرة فالطاقة الشمسية متوفرة مجانا ,ولا تلوث البيئة . ولكن هذه الزيادة السريعة تؤدي لتأثير على جودة الطاقة .يهدف هذا المشروع ...
  • ldais, Asma; Abu Maizer, Duaa; Tartory, Haneen (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - تكنولوجيا المعلومات, 2010-05-01)
    Extraction features from plant leaf represents a challenging problem in image processing. Many researchers extracted features from plant leaf to help in plant classification and also in early · diagnosis of certain plant ...
  • Moqadi, Mostafa; Berghith, Moath; Zalloum, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين , كلية الهندسة , ميكانيك, 2017-05-31)
    Reverse Engineering in terms of mechanical engineering is the processes of extracting knowledge or design information from anything and re-producing it based on the extracted information. The process usually includes a ...
  • Ideas, Rafat; Melhem, Haneen (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 5/1/2012)
    Cloud Computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet or a model for delivering information technology services in which resources are retrieved from the Internet through ...
  • Hawamde, Ahmad; Abedraboh, Mohammed; Hasheesh, Yasser (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتمتة صناعية, 2008-06-01)
    After we finished the idea of the machine, we start to buy the metal and all materials that needed for project. The first work is turning the iron places, roll boxes and its columns, after that we start to do the bodywork ...
  • Abuqubaita, Alaa Saleh (Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), 4/1/2019)
    This thesis describes a grid-connected Nine Level Packed U Cell (PUC9) topology using a Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) technique. The proposed system is a single phase multilevel inverter, with ...
  • Bradieah, Ahmad; Abu Saleh, Dawoud (Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), 2018-12-01)
    Various sidesof life in Palestine mainly depend on electricity and diesel, including heating side with many problems facing electricity and diesel, resulting in lack of access to the required energy. In addition to many ...
  • QAFESHAH, HAMZA; YOUNAN, HANNAM (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - نظم معلومات, 2005-06-01)
    A Fleet Management is a software project that introduces a technology to manage and control vehicles remotely. This system let the user know the position of vehicles through entering the coordinates which is received ...
  • Al-Hroub, Asmaa; Al-Badwi, Amanee (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اتصالات, 2015-05-01)
    Microstrip antennas are finding a growing medical application in imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. We propose to design and fabricate a flexible microstrip antenna that can be placed in contact with a synthetic skin layer, ...
  • Mazen, Mohamad; Jabareen, Mary (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - اجهزة طبية, 2016-01-01)
    Wounds are defined as a cut in the skin. The depth of the cut decides how dangerous the wound is. It is known that the leg has one of the main arteries any deep wound there will be considered as fatal if left for bleeding. ...
  • Thweib, Ahmad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - ماجستير مباني, 2023-07-01)
    Recently, new materials have emerged that play an important role in improving the structural behavior of RC elements. The bending behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) in RC beams will be studied. Various ...
  • Makhtoub, Mohammad (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - ماجستير مباني, 2023-07-01)
    Nowadays, new materials have appeared that have played an important role to improve the structural behavior of RC members. the flexural performance of shape memory alloys (SMA) of RC beams will be studied. Many specimens ...
  • Jomma, Mohammed; Hraishat, Hamza; Dwekat, Mustafa (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - كلية الهندسة - مساحة, 2018-01-01)
    study case, which are suffering from water scarcity due to conditions of water supply, which is limited, the study aims to design a system for on demand supply for study region, which is adequately, satisfy the water ...
  • Katbeh, Alaa; Rayyan, Saleem; Qafesheh, Fayez (Palestine Polytechnic University , electrical engineering, 2017-05-31)
    Palestinian electrical power distribution companies nowadays are trying to seek to not rely on imported electricity from Israeli generation companies. Due to the importance of the up-mentioned case, studying the power ...
  • Haj, Yahya; ALowiwe, Yacoup (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - طاقة, 2022-05-01)
    Future development of electric power systems must pursue a number of different goals. The power system should be economically efficient, it should provide reliable energy supply and should not damage the environment. At ...
  • Bader, Hiyam; Al-Qadi, Bayan; Al-Fatafta, Bayan (جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين - هندسة حاسوب, 2005-06-01)
    Security and speed are the main concerns for data transmitted over the internet . This system aims to provide these two characteristics, by performing means of encryption and compression to the data comes from the micro ...

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