The idea of the project revolves around our designing an advertising
campaign for a short dramatic film, using 2D animation technology. It is
called "Incorruptible" and deals with a moral value that the individual
must remember and be entrenched in his mind and must be passed on
from parents to children because children are the future generation that
The community will depend on it in order to build it, and we were able to
identify the target group and some of the problems it suffers from, and
to understand it more accurately. As for the project chapters, they are
divided into two chapters. In the first chapter, we talked about (the target
group, analysis of societal behaviors, information on moral values in
Palestine, and project planning) As for the second chapter, we worked
on (setting the objectives of the advertising campaign, designing the
advertising campaign, designing the campaign advertisements,
determining the budget, conclusion and recommendations, attachments,
sources and references).
We concluded our project with the most important recommendations to
work on.