Deep beam is an important structural element that have recently increased in use in
concrete buildings, such as tall buildings to offshore gravity structures . We often need to
make web opening in Deep beam . These openings reduce the maximum bearing capacity of
the deep beam , that why we need to strengthen it , There are several strengthen materials in
this research we will use Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) .
In this thesis , I study five reinforcement concrete Deep beam , one is control without
web opening and other with web opening , from “Jasim, W. A., et al. (2018)” numerically by
ABAQUS , comparing the results Experimental test with ABAQUS result , After approving
the results of the program same with Experimental test . I put my parameter “ UHPC thickness
30mm & 20 mm and location of the layer at full grove face two side , four layer two for each
side , and effect of no shear stirrups “ , properties of UHPC from [Bahraq, Ashraf Awadh, et
al. 2019}.
The result is , web opening reduce ultimate failure load 27% average . Displacement for
deep beam with web opening at edge span is greater than at mid span 15% for the same open
size . Used UHPC as strengthen material is good and increase the ultimate failure load 20-
37% for deep beam with web opening . Shear bars can replaced by full UHPC layer from two
face with 30mm minimum depth and gave more ultimate load and displacement .
CD, no of pages 66, 31551, ماجستير مباني 11/2023