The idea of the project is suggested to design and build an air bubbles detection unit by using unutilized technique by electric capacitor.
The motivation for making the project is based on the desire to deepen the understand of the principles for monitored detection units, the hemodialysis machine is chosen because it is spread widely and important in our country.
First stage: the first stage of the project includes complete information , schematic design circuit and conclusion for applying the capacitance detection method . the idea depends on the property of capacitance that relates directly with relative permittivity of the dielectric material that passes through.
Second stage: is to build a system and model that simulates the clinician task of removing the air bubble manually after detecting that air bubble, and to insure that implemented model is achieving all the objectives of the project.
no of pages 61 , 26443 , اجهزة طبية 4/2012 , in the store