Due to the evolution of the industry dramatically , and its dependence on fully automated machines, the need for multi-scales machine in the process of weighting do not process traditional that time-consuming and effort as well as the ratio of the accuracy does not enough has become less urgent.
Strive through the project can offer machine automated to help technological development and automation of the entire process, starting from choosing weight to get more precision in the process of weighting down to the speed of the production process and the speed at which we want in addition to high-precision what distinguishes our project.
In the project this can be used in productivity and packing plants, as well as the weighing process can be used in the mixing process between the different materials , and do the weighing process in the end.
Design the machine multiple scales, weighted food of all kinds and the weight to be chosen from range 20 grams to 1 kilogram.
Design assists the operator who works on the machine to deal with it easily through automatic control system that depends on the data display screen.
no of pages 66 , 26437 , اتمتة صناعية 3/2013 , in the store