Nowadays, we are facing many problems of manual separating thyme from stalk process. These problems are difficult to produce big amounts of thyme in short time and lack of production and high cost. Because of these problems, our idea is to design full automatic system that works on separate thyme from stalk by using technology and modern techniques , to produce separated thyme high efficient and fast low cost production.
During this project it was running the most important part of the system and is (zig-zag channel) and control via the logical control programmer (PLC) in addition to the construction of the electrical panel containing control circuits and power circuits , which will supply the machine needed for its energy.
There is a closed air flow cycle inside the system via the suction motors , the air glow is be controlled by controlling the speed of the suction motors by using the variable frequency drivers (VFD).
no of pages 56 , 30132 , اتمتة صناعية 2/2017 , in the store