Telemedicine system facilities monitoring and offers the homecare service to the patients. thus, it presents an attractive solution to the difficulties of transport in the big cities and hospital streambeds.
The evolution of wireless communication means enable telemedicine system to operate everywhere in the world thus expanding telemedicine benefits, applications, and services, through this project, we try to give a complete description of a proposed wireless telemedicine system, how this system is used in healthcare delivery and what are the technologies used.
The system allows the transmission of vital signals which are the body heart rate and SPO2 signal, also it allow to monitoring the patient case by real time video over wireless networks.
The transmission is performed through 3G network and MIMO WIFI technology applied by two scenarios. The first is 3G network which enable transmission of the acquired from patient's home to the monitoring room at hospital. The second is MIMO WIFI technology is used at hospital to connect the patient's room with monitoring room. Monitoring device is placed on the body of the patient it supplies continuously signals which can be analyzed by dedicated application software.
no of pages 77, 25477, اتصالات 11/2012 , in the store