The disposal of raw wastewater without treatment creates major potential health and environmental problems. in BeitUmmur city.
The infrastructure do not exist , The people disposal sanitary waste in cesspits, latrines and open drains. The wastewater has been seeping into the ground through the overflows of the deteriorated cesspits and latrines causing serious environmental and health problems , These latrines and cesspits are deteriorating and they are in bad condition, adding to this the increasing in water consumption and consequently increasing in wastewater production , resulting in over flows from the cesspits and recharges of ground water in BeitUmmer city , for this reasons This study is conducted to design wastewater collection system for BeitUmmer city.
The present study considered the annual population growth and their water consumption for the coming 25 years that will be the design period the necessary hydrulic calculation needed for the design of the main trunks was carried out by simple calculation .