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Automated Linear Scanning Book System

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dc.contributor.advisor Ata, Osama
dc.contributor.author Ismail, Mohammad
dc.contributor.author Shakhtour, Mohammad
dc.contributor.author Dadou, Ahmad
dc.date.accessioned 2018-03-15T06:29:04Z
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-19T10:47:32Z
dc.date.available 2018-03-15T06:29:04Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-19T10:47:32Z
dc.date.issued 2017-05-31
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6194
dc.description CD , 30165 , no of pages95 ,ميكانيك 5/2017 , in the store
dc.description.abstract Digitizing books and documents has become increasingly prevalent amongst libraries and university facilities as large data storage becomes cheaper and more available and physical storage space becomes scarce. There are currently many commercial scanning methods available, but all have trade-offs between speed, reliability, automatic page turning and price. In this project, we proposed the design of an automated linear scanning book system which has several attributes. For a start, the moving saddle by two stepper motors can hold up to 3 Kg. The system contains a suitably designed channel slot, this design has implemented a new variation on the idea of pneumatic page turning. This involves the use of a vacuum cleaner device to pull book pages into a channel that flips them to the other side of the book, in order to allow two installed scanners to take an instant image of the two exposed pages, to use them at a later stage to convert an merge them into a PDF file. The material choice of the system housing was Acrylic. This is because it is easier to laser cut and fabricate, relatively lighter than Aluminum, wood and stainless steel. The interconnection performance is based on an Arduino Uno and a Raspberry Pi microcontrollers for controlling the motors, scanners, sensors, switches, vacuum device, in addition to transmitting the images to a desktop or laptop. The overall system operation performance is very satisfactory. However, we recommended a scanner with faster speed, a vacuum device with lower noise. However these were the only available in local markets. Apart for these recommendations, our system is low priced, reliable in page flipping and image storing. Moreover mechatronics design procedure steps have followed in the implementation of the system. الكتب والوثائق الالكترونية أصبحت أكثر انتشا ا ر في م ا رفق الجامعة ، حيث أصبح بالإمكان تخزين بيانات كبيرة بإمكانيات صغيرة واقل تكلفة وسهولة الوصول إليها، أما طرق التخزين التقليدية أصبحت تشكل عبئا من ناحية التخزين والوصول إليها . يوجد في السوق العديد من الأجهزة التي تعمل على تحويل الكتب المادية إلى كتب الكترونية ولكن تعتبر باهظة الثمن بالنسبة للمكتبات الصغيرة ذات الإمكانيات المحدودة، و للحد من هذه المشاكل سنعمل على تصميم نظام اتوماتيكي لتحويل الكتب المادية إلى نسخ الكترونية ، بحيث يعتمد هذا النظام على الهواء في عملية سحب الورقة إلى مجرى خاص يسمح بقلب الورق إلى الجهة الثانية من الكتاب .يعمل النظام على مسح للكتب المجلدة وتحويلها الى نسخ الكترونية وتخزينها بصيغة PDF en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين , كلية الهندسة , ميكانيك
dc.relation.ispartofseries 30165;95
dc.subject Motivation,Budget,design,functional,Arts,Cardbook,ScanRobot,Arduino,Vacuum,Emergency,Force,Stress ,Analysis en_US
dc.title Automated Linear Scanning Book System en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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