Rest concrete recycling is an important issue in our mean time whereas it can be
used daily in all over the world. Because factories get rid of rest concrete by
pouring it in the road sides or in the agricultural lands, this leads to environment
pollution and it drains resources.
As a result, we have found an idea that will contribute in solving the problem of
rest concrete. The idea is all about designing a system that will recycle rest
concrete and turn it into a useful product.
By doing so we will be saving our environment and saving rest concrete. This
system may be a part of the factory or in a certain area whereas it can be a central
station for several factories.
The system is made of several stages. At the beginning the concrete will be added
then it will be mixed for another time. After that it will be poured in templates.
There will be three templates to be chosen: tile paver, manhole cover and
CD 29359 , no of pages 63, ميكانيك 1/2016 , in the store