Our project is a system to Bethlehem municipality management system, we
design the subsystems that need a computational systems which the municipality
employee tell us to design it, and it is five parts: Court Section, Health Section,
Sending and receiving Emails section, Data Administration and management,
Engineering Section, where in Court Section the system will organize all the issues in
Bethlehem from it is recorded to finish it and take it to the police to apply it, and in
the Health Section the system will organize all the employee in this section and
scheduling the clean operations and producing bills for different skills, for
Engineering Section we choose to parts Inspection and license they include inspection
for illegal buildings and producing bills for construction and deconstruction ,for the
mailing part the system will performs all the mail operations from the municipality to
outside word and from the outside word to the municipality, and for the Data
Administration and management part the system will the system will make give the
administrator the ability to manipulate all the data in the system a
CD , no of pages 399, 12635, هندسة حاسوب 4/2006 , in the store